You're a Natural
Gabrielle Marcus
If someone ever put in your head the notion that you're uncoordinated, tell them to, er, shove off.
Sometimes clients, when I ask them to move a certain way, will grow nervous and apologetic and explain that they're uncoordinated.
Inevitably I find these clients able to execute the movement perfectly.
We're naturals. As babies, we learn to roll, crawl, stand, and walk, then reach and carry and hug and run and duck and throw and whistle and grin, and then somewhere along the way something or someone tells us---some of us----that we don't have IT---the ability to move.
Of course there are differences in our innate and learned abilities. But you couldn't walk, drive, cook, or clean without a profound level of coordination. It's that profound level of ability that we tap into to help you learn a new movement.
Learning and practicing new movements may be helpful for brain health, so please don't shy away from the enormous capacity you have for doing this---and most of all, please don't be so hard on yourself. You're a natural.